What’s a good book?

A good book is when I can’t wait for my next available free time to sit and read the next few pages. When I read the page on the left and my eyes keep jumping to the page on the right, desperate to find out what will happen. A book that I often rewind: I go back to read a paragraph again and again, because I really liked it. A story where I identify with a character: someone who is good, brave, but still has some minor faults I can relate to.

Continue reading “What’s a good book?”

Commercial thinking vs inspirational drive

Think of yourself coming into a painter’s studio. The wooden floor is splashed with colors. Lots of light streams in from the windows on the south side. Some windows are open and you can hear the murmur from the market below. And the room is full of paintings. Large paintings, small paintings, bright paintings, dark paintings, but – most of them are not yet finished. The painter creates his paining in a flash of inspiration. One morning he is inspired to work on landscapes. The morning after, he wants to paint still life, but his landscapes are not finished yet. They are waiting for the next flash of inspiration.

I write like that. Continue reading “Commercial thinking vs inspirational drive”

What do you see?

I think a short story is a little bit like a modern peace of art. A painting that everyone describes differently because it means something different to everyone. I wrote “Forbidden” and it means something different to me then it did to all my beta-readers who gave me their feedback. And I think this is the way it should be. Once out, the story is yours to make out of it what you want.

However, I would be curious of what this story means to you, so please, give me some comments below. The story is freely available on Smashwords.com, Barnes and Noble, Sony, Diesel eBook store and iTunes.

Enjoy it!


Cat with a big heart

I bring muddy pawprints on dark wooden floor,

Get two yummy bellyfulls but I meow for one more.

I jump up high, pressing fly under my right paw,

Snatch it, crunch it in two bites, delicious though it‘s raw.


I wake up from my midday sleep, I strech, yawn, then sit,

I look around for cuddly place. See Mom. Mmm. Good fit.

Then I snuggle on her laptop, pressing shift, delete, ignore,

She smiles, gives me best of cuddles while I purr and snore.


Evening is all quiet, boys asleep in bed,

I jump onto the sofa next to Mommy‘s head,

We touch foreheads, once or twice, my favorite part of day,

I lie for hours on her lap, existance in best way.


Rainy morning, something‘s wrong, my heart is very sore,

Next moment all is gone – and I am no more



*for Kinai (2010-2013)



No text here.

Just holiday.

Only holiday.

No book writing either.

Will continue in few weeks.

As soon as I can put together more then 10 words … 🙂

Let’s talk about sex


It’s Tuesday evening, past 11, and my friend and I are still discussing the topic I brought up. She looks at me over a half full glass of Bellini and says, “You could still copy EL James… Take each third word, no one will point fingers at you for copycatting and it would still be a good sex scene.”

We are, of course, talking about writing sex scenes in my books. Continue reading “Let’s talk about sex”

The reader-pack: Alphas, Betas and Omegas?

Wolf-7I have just finished draft of the book ♯1!

But that doesn’t mean it will shine tomorrow on Amazon’s bestseller list. 🙂

There’s a long road still ahead.

At this stage my book is written and self-edited, but what I now need is a second pair of eyes (or several of them). So before I give the book to an editor, I need to get input from beta-readers.

Who are beta-readers? Continue reading “The reader-pack: Alphas, Betas and Omegas?”

Cliffhangers, or not?

cliffhangerI know I keep repeating myself, but I’ve almost finished the book #1. Almost.

What I’d like to cover in this (quick) post is the ending: should it be a complete ending of Book #1 with final conclusion or a cliffhanger. As a reader, I HATE cliffhangers! But also, as a reader, if they’re done well, I’m hooked and I’m going to read the sequel.

As it looks right now, I’m going to write a cliffhanger in book #1.


Continue reading “Cliffhangers, or not?”