Summer reads

Getting ready for summer? Downloading new books on your Kindle? Here’s something that might help 🙂  The Senthien is this week on special!

If you haven’t read it yet, use this opportunity.

If you have, please recommend it to your friends.

And enjoy the summer!

Yours, Tara

What is this?

Very quick post here.

A few days ago my family and I went to “Swiss Science Center Technorama” (kids always love it!). There are thousands of experiments to do and observe.

Among other things, I found – this.

Earth magnetic field

Who knows what this is?

Those of you who read “The Senthien” will probably recognise it and know right away why was this interesting for me 😉

Unrelated to this post, I changed somewhat “The Senthien” book cover. In my pol, I had many who voted for that cover. My preference was the old one (just a tree), but perhaps this one might draw more attention from the potential readers, who knows?

The cool thing about being a self-published author is that I can do that 🙂 I can simply change things, and that‘s awesome!

Have a great weekend, everyone!



Meat on the bone

I’m re-writing Book #1 right now. A few of my beta readers told me the meat on the bone is missing. So, I’m adding the muscle right now, doing some “body pump”, some “jogging”, “swimming”… Hopefully the body will be in good shape once the second draft is finished. In any case, in one of these new muscle-building chapters, my main character encounters a person who she already met at the beginning of the book (that part I wrote new as well). As they approached each other, Continue reading “Meat on the bone”


No text here.

Just holiday.

Only holiday.

No book writing either.

Will continue in few weeks.

As soon as I can put together more then 10 words … 🙂