The reader-pack: Alphas, Betas and Omegas?

Wolf-7I have just finished draft of the book ♯1!

But that doesn’t mean it will shine tomorrow on Amazon’s bestseller list. 🙂

There’s a long road still ahead.

At this stage my book is written and self-edited, but what I now need is a second pair of eyes (or several of them). So before I give the book to an editor, I need to get input from beta-readers.

Who are beta-readers? Continue reading “The reader-pack: Alphas, Betas and Omegas?”

Someone else

Long time not seen!

I’m finishing up the book  #1, and I’m trying to postpone all other things that come my way, including this blog, sorry.

But, I need to give it something to eat, otherwise next time I come back, I’ll see only bones.

Being engrossed in writing up my story, every now and then I need to do something else, just to give my brain a breather. So today, I read the part of the book I had started some months ago, but then stopped to finish up book #1. Continue reading “Someone else”

Before you start writing your book, write a story line first

I need to again praise the J.A. Konrath “Guide to publishing”. He gives really valuable advice and I wished I had read it before I started writing my first book.  (Mind you, I started writing before he actually published his “Guide”).

One of the things he advises is to write a story line for your sequel-book: just a few sentences that describe what happens in each chapter.

This is something publishers/literary agents want to have when a writer promises a sequel. Before any contract is made, they need to make sure you (as a writer) know what will happen in your book No. 2, or 3, or 7 (if that’s how far you’re going).  Continue reading “Before you start writing your book, write a story line first”

Happy end vs. real end

A good friend of mine recommended a book. “It’s a love story, you have to read it!“

Being such a sucker for love stories, by all means, I had to.

Now, I’m not going to tell you which book this is, because I’m going to reveal a few things, which most people would define as spoilers. So if you plan to read it at any point in time, you’d better not know.

It’s a story about a woman and a man, who should be together, but because of stupidity and miscommunication, they aren’t. Continue reading “Happy end vs. real end”

Alison Bechdel and a damsel in distress

I follow a blog which you might also find interesting, so here’s the link. This particular entry was about something called the Bechdel test. This was the first time I had heard of it and what it is about.

In short, this is a test about gender bias in fiction (books or movies). It’s a very simple test to perform. There are three questions that need to be answered:


  1. Are there at least two female characters in the story?
  2. Do they talk to each other?
  3. Do they talk to each other about something OTHER than men?

Continue reading “Alison Bechdel and a damsel in distress”

The introduction: It’s all about the book

All of this is about writing a book.

I’m really eager to get it finished and completed so it’s ready for my readers.

But – it takes time so to calm my eagerness I decided that I will tell you about the process of writing. Characters, events that make their way into the book, triumphs and miseries as chapters unfold, while  the characters do what I want them to do. Or not, and they do their own stuff instead.

Come back to me with your thoughts, as they might find their way into the book itself.

I hope you will enjoy my blog entries, and in the end the book itself.

– Tara Jade