Suffering and pain: The cornerstone of art

There is a blog of an indie author, Cristian Mihai, which I really like to follow.

In a recent blog entry he wrote about famous artists. Not artists that became rich from their art, but artists who moved people by writing books, making paintings or music pieces. The artists whose work stay with the audience for a long time after they die.

The classics. Continue reading “Suffering and pain: The cornerstone of art”

Before you start writing your book, write a story line first

I need to again praise the J.A. Konrath “Guide to publishing”. He gives really valuable advice and I wished I had read it before I started writing my first book.  (Mind you, I started writing before he actually published his “Guide”).

One of the things he advises is to write a story line for your sequel-book: just a few sentences that describe what happens in each chapter.

This is something publishers/literary agents want to have when a writer promises a sequel. Before any contract is made, they need to make sure you (as a writer) know what will happen in your book No. 2, or 3, or 7 (if that’s how far you’re going).  Continue reading “Before you start writing your book, write a story line first”