Why write at all?

For the majority of authors, the money coming in is just a small, tiny, micro fraction of the expenses a writer needs.

The book editing, the cover illustration and design, paperback formatting and the necessary – and much needed – marketing all writers need to do in order to get any screen time on retailers and book shops (otherwise, though the book is officially there, it might as well be invisible!) make a large chunk of the expenses every writer needs to do.

So, you might be wondering, why do I and my fellow writers, write at all? Because let’s be brutally honest: For most authors, writing is a financial suicide. But here’s a little detail that most non-writers aren’t aware of, and that makes all the difference.

Suffering and pain: The cornerstone of art

There is a blog of an indie author, Cristian Mihai, which I really like to follow.

In a recent blog entry he wrote about famous artists. Not artists that became rich from their art, but artists who moved people by writing books, making paintings or music pieces. The artists whose work stay with the audience for a long time after they die.

The classics. Continue reading “Suffering and pain: The cornerstone of art”