I bring muddy pawprints on dark wooden floor,
Get two yummy bellyfulls but I meow for one more.
I jump up high, pressing fly under my right paw,
Snatch it, crunch it in two bites, delicious though it‘s raw.
I wake up from my midday sleep, I strech, yawn, then sit,
I look around for cuddly place. See Mom. Mmm. Good fit.
Then I snuggle on her laptop, pressing shift, delete, ignore,
She smiles, gives me best of cuddles while I purr and snore.
Evening is all quiet, boys asleep in bed,
I jump onto the sofa next to Mommy‘s head,
We touch foreheads, once or twice, my favorite part of day,
I lie for hours on her lap, existance in best way.
Rainy morning, something‘s wrong, my heart is very sore,
Next moment all is gone – and I am no more
*for Kinai (2010-2013)