Stephen, you rock!

I’m reading “On writing” by Stephen King.

I love it, as most of his fans or aspiring writers would/do.

Two reasons:

First of all, this is the first book of his where I can actually “hear” him, Stephen King himself. Not Carrie White or Stu Redman. But Stephen King. And it was very nice to “get to know” him like that. And funnily enough, he reminds me of Dan Simmons’ Martin Silenius, a satirical character in the epic “Hyperion”. Continue reading “Stephen, you rock!”

Meat on the bone

I’m re-writing Book #1 right now. A few of my beta readers told me the meat on the bone is missing. So, I’m adding the muscle right now, doing some “body pump”, some “jogging”, “swimming”… Hopefully the body will be in good shape once the second draft is finished. In any case, in one of these new muscle-building chapters, my main character encounters a person who she already met at the beginning of the book (that part I wrote new as well). As they approached each other, Continue reading “Meat on the bone”