My new book “Swift Escape” is out!
“Far Away” up-close
I believe that literary work doesn’t really belong to me any more once it’s out in the public. Every reader then makes of it whatever they want in their own imagination. So my intention was to not talk about “Far Away” at all, but there are two things that are mentioned in the story that I would like you to see/hear.
Let’s talk about sex
It’s Tuesday evening, past 11, and my friend and I are still discussing the topic I brought up. She looks at me over a half full glass of Bellini and says, “You could still copy EL James… Take each third word, no one will point fingers at you for copycatting and it would still be a good sex scene.”
We are, of course, talking about writing sex scenes in my books. Continue reading “Let’s talk about sex”
Happy end vs. real end
A good friend of mine recommended a book. “It’s a love story, you have to read it!“
Being such a sucker for love stories, by all means, I had to.
Now, I’m not going to tell you which book this is, because I’m going to reveal a few things, which most people would define as spoilers. So if you plan to read it at any point in time, you’d better not know.
It’s a story about a woman and a man, who should be together, but because of stupidity and miscommunication, they aren’t. Continue reading “Happy end vs. real end”